Teens and Motivation Part One

Teens and Motivation Part One

What I hear most often from parents of the teens with whom I work is complaints about why their teen is not motivated to do the things that they want them to do. Why are they spending all their time on YouTube instead of homework? Why are their social relationships so much more important to…

Why Choose Thrive?                        By: Erica

Why Choose Thrive? By: Erica

In starting Thrive Therapy Studio, my mission was to expand my practice in order to be able to touch more lives both through helping more people and training more therapists in the style of therapy I believe to be most effective. The first step in this process…

Blog Post Series on Change: “Year In Review”

Blog Post Series on Change: “Year In Review”

This is the first blog in my blog series that is dedicated towards growth, change, setting intentions, and renewal. As 2016 draws to a close and I prepare for 2017, I am feeling inspired to discuss ways to make changes…

Setting an Intention for 2017

Setting an Intention for 2017

I know, I know, setting an intention is very “in” right now and fits right in line with all the holistic, yoga, wellness movement information that is out there. Interestingly enough, as much as “setting an intention” is a bit of a fad right now…

6 Reasons I love Being a Therapist, by Dr. Maria Fowlks

6 Reasons I love Being a Therapist, by Dr. Maria Fowlks

Being a therapist brings me so much joy. I get to connect with individuals from all walks of life and see the world through their lens. There are many reasons why I love being a therapist. I will share 6 of these reasons…

A Therapist’s Reflection on Gratitude

A Therapist’s Reflection on Gratitude

Gratitude is a hot topic this time of year and while I try to practice gratitude all year, I certainly emphasize it during the holidays as well. Practicing gratitude is crucial to building an authentic and vulnerable life…

5 Common Myths About Treatment

5 Common Myths About Treatment

“A theory that is wrong is considered preferable to admitting our ignorance.” – Elliot Vallenstein, Ph.D. Here is a list of common misconceptions about substance use treatment from my experience in the…