Parenting Teens Blog Series: Pressure of College Admissions
Did you know that there is a topic that comes up with every teen, and some pre-teens, that I work with? You might be tempted to think that I am referring…
Did you know that there is a topic that comes up with every teen, and some pre-teens, that I work with? You might be tempted to think that I am referring…
As I mentioned in the first post in this blog series (check it out here!) I wanted to take some time to really explore and discuss what it is like for teens to be teens in…
Since we work often with teens and their parents at Thrive, I wanted to spend some time sharing more about what I observe about how our current culture impacts…
We all know that work can be a very enjoyable, but unfortunately also very stressful part of our lives. Even for those of us who love our jobs (like me!), the…
As a working mom and entrepreneur, I’ve learned that work/life balance is not so much a check on my list of things to do but more of a journey. It is honestly rare that…
For our final blog in this series, I would like to continue expanding our discussion of anxiety and parenting to explore what happens when we parent…
For this blog, I wanted to talk about another effect of all of these opinions. Many of these books and articles give the message that if parents just did “x”, their kid would turn…
I recently gave a presentation at a local private school about parenting children with anxiety. As a result, I reflected a lot on not only why our kids and teens are so anxious and stressed, but why we as parents…
As many of you may know, around this time of year I like to set a word as an intention for the coming year. It is a practice that I have been following for about 5 years and have come to really enjoy and look forward to. I personally find it much more…
It’s important to remember that every day can be meaningful. It’s truly a new chance to reflect, grow, and make small changes as we navigate through life. Over the years, I have jotted down little reminders…