Supporting Children with Anxiety: Insights from Therapists and Psychologists in San Diego
Welcome to the second blog post in our series about how our team of the best therapists and psychologists in San Diego…
Welcome to the second blog post in our series about how our team of the best therapists and psychologists in San Diego…
Since anxiety has been on the rise following the pandemic, I wanted to create a blog series that provides more information about anxiety treatment in San Diego for kids, teens, and families.
We all know that the holidays can be extremely stressful, overwhelming, and busy for parents. We sometimes forget that it is also a busy, overstimulating, and, at times, difficult period for kids.
For the month of November, I wanted to share a few different ideas for how families could add gratitude practices to their families. Since “Thanksgiving” can be easily rebranded into a day of gratitude, I figured a month of gratitude might be even better.
Since I talk often in my work about children and their big emotions, I wanted to share some tips and ideas to help you keep your cool while your child is losing theirs! Before we dive into the how-to’s of staying calm.
Isn’t parenting fun? One minute everyone is having a great time, and the next, your child could be having an epic meltdown. These moments can be challenging for both you and your child, but understanding…
Parenting can be a wild ride filled with joys, challenges, and the constant quest to provide the best for our children. While we want to shield them from the world’s worries, we also recognize that life often throws…
Ahh! Parenting! It is never a dull moment. And definitely not for the faint of heart. Being a parent is filled with joy, confusion, laughter, monotony, surprises, and frustration. So, we decided to ask our Thrive team of therapists…
Are you thinking about starting therapy for yourself or a loved one? An important aspect of that decision is finding a therapist…
She is an associate professional clinical counselor (APCC 5752), working with our clinical supervisor, Jennifer Gonzalez (LMFT 98444).