Attending Therapy Does Not Mean You Are “Broken”

Attending Therapy Does Not Mean You Are “Broken”

I can’t tell you how often the topic of being “broken” or “damaged beyond repair” comes up in my therapy sessions. I believe that asking for help in the form of therapy is one of the most courageous steps someone…

FOMO and the ‘Gram

FOMO and the ‘Gram

Instagram (IG) is one of the top social media platforms that most young adults and teens are using; however, it could potentially do more harm than good. Although IG is great for self-expression and creativity, it has also been…

Family Separation and Early Life Trauma

Family Separation and Early Life Trauma

By now, you’ve probably heard about the children being separated from their families at the US-Mexico border. Just to be clear, there is no official Trump administration policy stating that families entering the…

The Problem with “Positive Thinking” (Part One)

The Problem with “Positive Thinking” (Part One)

I know, I know, as a therapist I am supposed to be all about positive thinking. For a while, I even tried out the whole “positive thinking” thing and would just try to wash away my so-called negative thoughts with positive ones.

The Importance of Redefining Failure

The Importance of Redefining Failure

As a therapist, the topic of failure comes up often in my work both with adults and with children/teens and their families. Over time, the topic of failure and redefining failure has become something that…

The Importance of Play

The Importance of Play

Play is an important part of childhood. Play helps children develop cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally. Children who play have healthy brain development. It’s through play that children learn to explore the world around them…