Parenting and Anxiety Blog Series (Part 1)

Parenting and Anxiety Blog Series (Part 1)

I recently gave a presentation at a local private school about parenting children with anxiety. As a result, I reflected a lot on not only why our kids and teens are so anxious and stressed, but why we as parents…

Setting an Intention for 2019

Setting an Intention for 2019

As many of you may know, around this time of year I like to set a word as an intention for the coming year. It is a practice that I have been following for about 5 years and have come to really enjoy and look forward to. I personally find it much more…

Life Reminders

Life Reminders

It’s important to remember that every day can be meaningful. It’s truly a new chance to reflect, grow, and make small changes as we navigate through life. Over the years, I have jotted down little reminders…

​Why is Gratitude Such a Buzz Word?

​Why is Gratitude Such a Buzz Word?

With Thanksgiving coming up next week, I thought it might be interesting to reflect in a blog about all the buzz around gratitude. I find that practicing gratitude is both…

5 Workplace Wellness Tips

5 Workplace Wellness Tips

We all know about the importance of self-care – setting aside that “me time” to focus on improving our mental, emotional and physical health. However, between children, work, relationships, or just life in general, it can be hard to make it a priority…

Family Separation and Early Life Trauma

Family Separation and Early Life Trauma

By now, you’ve probably heard about the children being separated from their families at the US-Mexico border. Just to be clear, there is no official Trump administration policy stating that families entering the…

The Importance of Redefining Failure

The Importance of Redefining Failure

As a therapist, the topic of failure comes up often in my work both with adults and with children/teens and their families. Over time, the topic of failure and redefining failure has become something that…