How do we know when enough is enough?

How do we know when enough is enough?

As a recovering perfectionist, it can be tough for me to assess when I think I am meeting my own goals and when enough is enough in my life. This is something…

How to enjoy the holidays with your teen

How to enjoy the holidays with your teen

I thought it might be nice to take a short break from our parenting teens and the challenges of being a teen blog series to focus a bit more on the holidays in our families. The holidays are always such…

New Groups at Thrive!

New Groups at Thrive!

At Thrive, we have been busily getting ready for the New Year and launching our new and improved groups! We have been proud to offer several groups in the past few years and recently took a pause from offering them to revisit their format and…

Parenting Blog #2: Co-Parenting

Parenting Blog #2: Co-Parenting

A large part of the work that I do with families and parents is working with people to improve their co-parenting. This is a topic that comes up frequently with almost all parents, not just those going through…