Silver linings from a year of pandemic life

Silver linings from a year of pandemic life

It is wild to me to think about how, one year ago, I had no idea what all of us were going to be dealing with for the entire next year. Like everyone else, my family and I had…

Why Starting Therapy Can Be So Intimidating

Why Starting Therapy Can Be So Intimidating

What do you mean I’m supposed to talk to a STRANGER?! And tell them my deep dark secrets?! I barely even share that to the people I actually know!I get why starting therapy can be overwhelming and intimidating.

5 Ways to Cope with Pandemic Holidays

5 Ways to Cope with Pandemic Holidays

As I have noticed with my clients, friends, family, and well, myself – holidays this year are feeling pretty complicated. Decision making about what to do and who is safe to see is just incredibly challenging and…