Parenting Teens Tip #1: Connection First

Parenting Teens Tip #1: Connection First

As our readers may have noticed, I have been particularly focused on writing about parenting teens recently. While there are many reasons for this, including my…

Setting an Intention for 2020

Setting an Intention for 2020

I have a personal practice that I like to engage in each year around this time of year… I like to reflect on the year and set an intention for the coming year. Typically, I think about what I struggled with and feel I would benefit from incorporating.

Surviving the Holidays Blog Collection

Surviving the Holidays Blog Collection

We at Thrive have certainly noticed that the holidays bring a certain level of expectation, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm and overcommitment for many of the families, kids included, that we…

How to enjoy the holidays with your teen

How to enjoy the holidays with your teen

I thought it might be nice to take a short break from our parenting teens and the challenges of being a teen blog series to focus a bit more on the holidays in our families. The holidays are always such…