Parenting Teens Blog Series: Information Overload
In writing this blog series as well as in my daily work with parents, teens, and families in general, I reflect often on what is going on in our world that has led us to where…
In writing this blog series as well as in my daily work with parents, teens, and families in general, I reflect often on what is going on in our world that has led us to where…
While I am of the belief that there are more opportunities for all of us currently, particularly due to technology and our ever-changing world, I find that the…
One of the most interesting observations that I have about our current generation of teens, is that they seem to be easily frustrated and upset when things do not…
Welcome to 2020! I know this year has started off busily for many families. I thought it would be a great idea to restart our Parenting Teens Blog Series!
We at Thrive have certainly noticed that the holidays bring a certain level of expectation, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm and overcommitment for many of the families, kids included, that we…
I thought it might be nice to take a short break from our parenting teens and the challenges of being a teen blog series to focus a bit more on the holidays in our families. The holidays are always such…
Around this time of year, the idea of being thankful and grateful seem to be pretty popular. While I am definitely a believer in practicing gratitude and even developing…
As a therapist, I find it fascinating that parents often tell me that they just want their kids to be happy. In our culture as…
Did you know that there is a topic that comes up with every teen, and some pre-teens, that I work with? You might be tempted to think that I am referring…
As I mentioned in the first post in this blog series (check it out here!) I wanted to take some time to really explore and discuss what it is like for teens to be teens in…