Can we “cancel” the word “should?”

Can we “cancel” the word “should?”

How often do we all hear some variation of these kinds of statements either within ourselves and our thoughts or from others in our world? We are all inundated with information about…

Grief and Covid-19 Pandemic

Grief and Covid-19 Pandemic

I was looking for a podcast this morning and stumbled on Brené Brown’s new podcast, Unlocking Us. For those of you who don’t know, I am a bit of a fan or her work.

Parenting during a crisis

Parenting during a crisis

Wow. Things have been moving at lightning speed for the past week! In light of the challenges families and parents are facing as many of them, especially in our community in San Diego…

Parenting Teens Tip #1: Connection First

Parenting Teens Tip #1: Connection First

As our readers may have noticed, I have been particularly focused on writing about parenting teens recently. While there are many reasons for this, including my…