Five Reasons Young Adults Love Therapy
At Thrive, we love supporting new and returning college students and young adults! For many, the process of moving towards independence from our parents can be…
At Thrive, we love supporting new and returning college students and young adults! For many, the process of moving towards independence from our parents can be…
Since Thrive was founded in 2016, it has been a personal and professional mission of mine to make sure that our office is a place where parents are supported. Now that I have become a mother myself…
In my work with parents and their children and teens, I offer families a lot of advice and tips. The most important one though is pretty simple (at least in my eyes). Okay, I should really elaborate more! I think it is so…
Learning to own our mistakes and be held accountable for them has to be one of the most difficult and painful lessons in life. I also believe that it is one of the most important lessons, particularly for our children…
As a follow up to our recent blog about social media (from Panicha McGuire, check it out here!), I thought it might be helpful to give parents some ideas about how we can help…
So, a topic that comes up a lot in my work with teens is pressure. Teens often feel a lot of pressure. They feel it from their parents, their schools, their friends, their followers on social media, and from the world…
I can’t tell you how often the topic of being “broken” or “damaged beyond repair” comes up in my therapy sessions. I believe that asking for help in the form of therapy is one of the most courageous steps someone…
Instagram (IG) is one of the top social media platforms that most young adults and teens are using; however, it could potentially do more harm than good. Although IG is great for self-expression and creativity, it has also been…
So, as you probably noticed in my first blog in this series, I have a lot of concerns with positive thinking and its’ attempts to tell us not to feel our…
So I must truly be a grumpy person to have not just one, but two blogs dedicated to my concerns about the positive thinking movement! Kidding, sort of! I wanted to…