Parent Holiday Survival Guide (Part 2)
I think my best tip for parents on how to best survive, and hopefully thrive, during the holiday season is to manage expectations. So often, we can get so caught up in all of the “shoulds” of the holidays. We should go…
Parent Holiday Survival Guide
The holidays can be a stressful time for every parent. We want the decorations just so, the food perfectly cooked, the best gifts under the tree, and for each member of the family to be absolutely, perfectly happy. It’s so easy to get swept up…
Gratitude as a New Mother
So many things are nudging me towards contemplating gratitude right now that I just felt pulled to put some of my thoughts together in a blog post. Hopefully it is interesting and helpful to some of you who read our blog!
How do I stop “Helicopter Parenting” and Why Would I?
Oh, helicopter parenting. What a divisive and polarizing term! Some parents are proud to call themselves helicopter parents, well, many say that they are “involved” or “not lazy parents,” while others are adamant…
Introduction to Therapy Blog Series: Why Parent Consultation?
If you have browsed our website to check out the services that we offer at Thrive, you may have noticed a section discussing parent consultation. Our passion for working with and supporting parents is a…
Introduction to Therapy Blog Series: Talking to Your Teen/Child About Attending Therapy
Once parents have made the decision to bring their child or teen to therapy, a very common concern they may have is about how they should tell their child or teen…
Introduction to Therapy Blog Series: What to Expect in Therapy
As a parent who has made the decision to bring your child or teen to therapy, you most likely will have lots of questions about the process of therapy itself. This is so…
Introduction to Therapy Series: 6 Reasons you should bring your child/teen to therapy:
Making the decision to start therapy for your child or teen is usually a pretty difficult one for parents riddled with concerns about…
Introduction to Therapy Series: 6 Reasons you should bring your child/teen to therapy:
Take a moment to think of the last interaction you had with your child that left you feeling uneasy, stressed, or helpless.
Why Burying Our Feelings Doesn’t Work
his blog post was inspired by one of my favorite cartoons that depicts a person burying a “bad” feeling, walking away feeling like it is gone forever, while the roots are clearly growing under the surface.
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