The Relentlessness of Parenting, Coronavirus Edition
As a therapist, business owner, and mom myself, I have reflected often on the relentless nature of modern parenting. The standards and ideals many of us…
How to Support Your Loved Ones During Coronavirus
I’ve been reflecting a lot about how things have been going for many of us, particularly those of us who have been struggling to manage our stress or…
8 Activities to Strengthen Your Parent-Child Relationship During Quarantine
By now you are probably running out of ideas of things to do with your child when you’ve been confined with each…
How parents can help teens feel less alone during Covid-19 pandemic
There is no easy way to tell a teen that schools might not even go back to session this academic year as many of…
7 Tips for Parenting Teens During a Pandemic
Well, here we are facing yet another week of social distancing and living with the challenge of parenting during a pandemic! As many other writers have…
Grief and Covid-19 Pandemic
I was looking for a podcast this morning and stumbled on Brené Brown’s new podcast, Unlocking Us. For those of you who don’t know, I am a bit of a fan or her work.
Video sessions, with my therapist? Are you sure?
As many people are making dramatic changes to their lives to try to #flattenthecurve in our country while we deal with this pandemic, therapists are…
Parenting during a crisis
Wow. Things have been moving at lightning speed for the past week! In light of the challenges families and parents are facing as many of them, especially in our community in San Diego…
Parenting Teens Tip #1: Connection First
As our readers may have noticed, I have been particularly focused on writing about parenting teens recently. While there are many reasons for this, including my…
Increased Anxiety and Fear for Teens (Parenting Teens Blog Series)
For several months now, our blog has focused on helping parents understand just what it might be like for their teens to…
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