Grateful for our Thrive Team!
I had the distinct honor of being given an award last Friday by a dear colleague of mine, Dr. Julia Rosengren. Julia was given the responsibility of choosing someone she wanted to publicly honor in our…
Gratitude, even when our kids are struggling
Around this time of year, the idea of being thankful and grateful seem to be pretty popular. While I am definitely a believer in practicing gratitude and even developing…
Parenting Teens Blog Series: Focus on Happiness and Achievement
As a therapist, I find it fascinating that parents often tell me that they just want their kids to be happy. In our culture as…
Parenting Teens Blog Series: Pressure of College Admissions
Did you know that there is a topic that comes up with every teen, and some pre-teens, that I work with? You might be tempted to think that I am referring…
Parenting Teens Blog Series: Teens and Social Media
As I mentioned in the first post in this blog series (check it out here!) I wanted to take some time to really explore and discuss what it is like for teens to be teens in…
Blog Series: Parenting Teens – An Introduction
Since we work often with teens and their parents at Thrive, I wanted to spend some time sharing more about what I observe about how our current culture impacts…
Reflections on the HUSTLE of Working Motherhood
It’s the start of my third year of working motherhood… and well, where did the time go? No, seriously, time just flies these days as I’m sure many of you can…
So your child is “at risk” for autism, now what?
Since one of my specialties is working with parents of kids with autism and working with individuals on the autism spectrum in general, a question I get asked a lot is a…
Tips on “Adulting”
I personally absolutely love that the word “adulting” has come to be commonly used. Using a verb to describe what it is like to be an adult really makes sense to me, possibly because I am a millennial or maybe…
Strategies to Cope with Work Stress
We all know that work can be a very enjoyable, but unfortunately also very stressful part of our lives. Even for those of us who love our jobs (like me!), the…
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