3 Ways Therapy Can Help Your Child/Teen During Divorce
At our office, we frequently work with children and teens whose families are going through a divorce. While we do not engage in any sort of custody recommendations and tend to stay out of court at our office…
Four Things I want to Remember as a First Time Mom
As many of you know, I have been writing for several weeks now about my thoughts on becoming a parent, from my experience as a child psychologist and parenting consultant. For this last blog in the series…
Four Things I want to Remember as a First Time Mom
Thank you so much for checking out my fourth and final blog in this series! As I mentioned before, this blog series is definitely more personal for me so I do hope that the thoughts that I am sharing are…
3 Easy Ways to Have an Amazing Summer with Your Kids/Teens
With summer starting up, I thought it might be helpful to talk a bit about how to have a wonderful summer with your kids, easily! There is so much pressure on parents to cultivate amazing experiences for their…
Sandplay, Healing Therapy for Children and Adults
The most basic building block of therapy is communication- our ability to talk with each other. So what does that mean for our kids? Children haven’t naturally developed the language to tell us what they have…
3 Questions to help you reflect on your Intention for the year
As those of you who read the Thrive blog may know, I am a big advocate for setting an intention for the year rather than a resolution. If you are interested in reading…
What I want to remember when I become a mother, a child therapist’s perspective, Part 3
Thank you so much for checking out my third blog in this series! As I mentioned before, this blog series is definitely more personal for…
What I want to remember when I become a mother, a child therapist’s perspective, Part 2
Thank you so much for checking out my second blog in this series! As I mentioned before, this blog series is definitely more …
Blog Post: What I want to remember when I become a mother, a child therapist’s perspective Part 1
What a lot of people who are close to me know is that I am currently pregnant and excitedly, nervously expecting our first child.
Revisiting Top Quotes for Times of Transition, Change, and Struggle
As I contemplated what to blog about this week, I was thinking about how two years ago, I had also recently moved my office…
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