Teen Therapist in San Diego CA
Teen Counseling in San Diego CA
We at Thrive remember how challenging it can be to be a teen. We remember how confusing this time can be and how it feels to be alone in our problems, because we feel we can not talk to our parents about what is going on. At Thrive, we seek to connect with teens in a genuine way to provide them with a safe space to explore their identity, build coping and problem solving skills, and support them through the challenges that come their way. We view many of the issues that teens are struggling with to be developmental in nature and as such are non-pathologizing. We want to help teens reach their potential and live a satisfying life and believe in their ability to do so!
We also believe it is important to keep parents involved, to the extent that the teen is comfortable.

Teen Psychologist in San Diego CA
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Grief, loss, and bereavement
- Health and wellness
- Disordered eating
- Adjustment issues and transitions related to life events
- ADHD and impulse control issues
- Autism and developmental disorders
- Parenting challenges
- Identity development and setting life goals
- College-age issues
- Mindfulness and stress management
- Relationship challenges
- Career issues
- Personal growth and self-acceptance
- Issues related to shame, worthiness, perfectionism
- LGBTQ Issues
- Academic underachievement
Therapy with teens and young adults is often less directive at Thrive as we believe that the biggest mistake anyone can make with this age group is to tell them what to do! That is often a guarantee that they will do the opposite of what you asked. As such, we may utilize alternative strategies to assist them in reaching their goals. The following list is simply a sample of approaches and goals in therapy that might be used and each person’s treatment is completely individualized. It is always a goal at Thrive to reduce the symptoms which caused an individual or family to present for treatment.
- Supportive Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Art Therapy/Creative Modalities
- Cognitive Therapy
- Behavioral Planning (often with the family as well)
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Family Therapy/Communication Building
- Understanding the Impact of Media and Their Peer Group on Their Behavior and Situation
- Helping to Build Personal Accountability and Identify Their Goals
- Reducing Sense of Entitlement
- Build Self-Esteem and Emotional Regulation Skills
- Build Compassion for Others
Reach out to start
your healing journey