Parent Holiday Survival Guide

For just a second, I’d like you to think back to your childhood. What do you remember fondly? The best Christmas I remember involved only one gift- a stuffed Care Bear that I promptly left outside in the snow. The real gift was all of the love around me.
For this holiday season, I invite you to throw away your idea of the “perfect holiday.” Kids won’t remember the presents you buy or the perfectly wrapped boxes. What kids will remember are the moments. They will remember the time you made hot chocolate and watched Elf with them for the 15th time. They will remember getting to put icing on the holiday treats they made by your side. They will remember hand-crafting ornaments with you and hanging them on the tree. That’s the stuff that counts. So spend time with your loved ones, enjoy the moment, and put all those “shoulds” away until next year. Happy Holidays!

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