As a follow up to our post helping parents support their younger children engage in distance learning, we wanted to share some ideas for teens and young adults as they adjust to virtual learning this semester!
Getting organized
- Establish a daily routine so that schoolwork is the priority and is completed before other tasks you need to do later in the day. You will be less motivated as time passes.
- Stick to your schedule, but be flexible. Try creating a daily to-do list, and move lower priority tasks to the next day if they absolutely cannot be accomplished in time. Your well-being is more important during this time!
- Separate your workspace from areas you use to relax. Blending the two areas could make “turning off” your brain more difficult when you need to rest.
Increasing focus/attention
- Use headphones to reduce distraction
- Take snack and lunch breaks. You will need brain fuel throughout the day.
- When possible, take movement breaks. Sitting in front of the screen for too long is not good for both your physical and mental health.
- It’s okay to “check out” whether it’s scrolling through social media or grabbing a snack, just be sure to set start and stop times.
Setting yourself up for success
- Establish healthy habits for sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
- Have time set aside for virtual socialization with peers. You don’t have to go through it alone!
- Be kind to yourself and be realistic with your expectations- distance learning is not for everyone. You might not do as well as you did in-person, and that is OKAY.
- If possible, set up a weekly virtual study group with peers (even if you don’t share the same classes). You will have someone to keep you accountable and distance learning will feel less isolating.
We hope this helps all of us adjust as well as possible during this challenging time as students, and families. The best we can do is just approach it with a positive attitude, be prepared (hopefully by using some of our tips), and try to be flexible with our expectations and adjust as needed over time! If any of our readers need further support, please feel free to reach out to us at Thrive!
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